How To Design Promotional Bumper Stickers

October 23, 2020

Ready to design your customized promotional Bumper Sticker? Keep your hands on the wheel, stay in your lane, and hold on tight for a few tips on creating your own catchy sticker, guaranteed to get noticed and help you make money!

Buckle Up Before Driving!

Before designing your Bumper Sticker, ask yourself a few basic questions:

1. What is the desired outcome?

Are you promoting an event, a business, a school? How are you going to achieve your desired outcome with a Bumper Sticker? Do you want people to purchase your product? Support your band? Utilize your services? Attend your play?

2. Who will put the stickers on their car?

Take a close look at your supporters and assess what they like and dislike. What kind of cars do they drive? Where will they be driving their cars? What kind of design and phrase would make them want to put your Bumper Sticker on their car?

3. How will the Bumper Stickers enhance other marketing efforts?

Are you planning to use your Bumper Stickers in conjunction with matching Posters, Flyers, or direct mail? Do you want to relate to a previous advertisement? Let the stickers serve as a starting line for a future ad campaign? Or do you simply want to achieve name recognition that will benefit other marketing efforts?

Hit The Road!

Now that you have a good understanding of your desired outcome, your target market, and your overall marketing plan, you can begin designing your custom Bumper Stickers!

How to create a Bumper Sticker that will reach your target audience:

Eye Catching

Create a Bumper Sticker that demands attention! Flashy colours and interesting patterns grab your viewers. Bold, simple, recognizable logos help you achieve brand recognition. Large fonts (especially sans serif fonts like Impact) and short messages help the eye speed along the text. Overly busy designs are visual traffic jams and don’t get you anywhere. Keep it clean and easy to read so the viewer’s attention flows from the logo and through the message.

Colour Matters

Colours are a striking form of non-verbal communication, and express emotional meaning. Stoplights are red and green because these colours elicit strong human responses. From an evolutionary standpoint, our brains are hard-wired to understand that red means “stop” and green means “go”. RED immediately arrests the attention with its associations of aggression, anger, passion, danger and love. GREEN represents ideals like the environment, nature, health, safety, or money. Research colour psychology to understand the meaning of colours, and design accordingly to convey your message.

Humor Works Well

Funny and catchy phrases or images help you get noticed. Anything that wakes people up from their mind numbing drive can leave a lasting impression. Try a clever play on words or a joke that will appeal to your target audience. Caution Sign: don’t go over the speed limit! Be careful about the kind of humor you use. You don’t want to offend people, whether or not they are potential customers. Unless your marketing plan involves creating controversy, play it safe and keep it clean.

Get Right To The Point

Less is more! Bumper Stickers are similar to small information signs on the side of the road and big billboards. You only have a few seconds to grab a person’s attention! Can you trim your message to seven words or less? The average driver can read no more than seven words at a time without endangering anyone’s life. Can your message be communicated in less than five seconds? A well-devised, short and witty message on your sticker will be far more successful than something so long and complicated that no one can get to the end of the slogan without rear-ending the vehicle they’re trying to read.

Don’t have a witty or funny message? Simply put your logo, company name and/or URL on the Bumper Sticker. Remember, the more people see your name, the more likely they are to take advantage of what you have to offer!

Are We There Yet?

Designing a Bumper Sticker provides a great opportunity to have fun! If you’re not enjoying your promotion, do you expect your customers to stay interested? Remember: Keep the message simple. Make the words “pop” with colour and strong design. Create impressionable images. The Bumper Sticker provides a moving sound bite for your marketing efforts. You can’t fit everything on a Bumper Sticker, but, by following our simple roadmap, you can drive customers right to your door!

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