Explore Eventgroove’s comprehensive events features

Powerful event features available for any private label site

Discover Eventgroove’s event management tools that allow you to effectively host events of any size.

Virtual Events

Enable people to participate in your event from their home.

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In-person Events

Host your live event with ease–from a small local event to a national convention.

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Hybrid Events

Expand your reach by offering in-person as well as online access to your event.

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Beautiful Event Pages

Add background, banner image, event image, as well as custom text.

Mobile Optimized

We design everything for mobile first–event pages as well as the dashboard.

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Team Management

Add team members to your account and set different permissions.

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Event Dashboard

Manage your events, analytics, integrations, promotion, and more.

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Promotional Tools

Built-in social media, email, and text promotion right in your event dashboard.

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Check-in Scanner

Access your mobile ticket check-in scanner directly from your event dashboard.

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Ticket Sales Widget

Embed a calendar of events directly on your website via an iFrame.

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Private Events & Tickets

Create email invitation-only events and ticket types.


We have integrations for email marketing, text messaging, fundraising, and ecommerce.

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Event Hub

Create an organizer profile landing page in order to display all your events in one place.

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Built to Scale

Our event service was built with both small and large organizations in mind.

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No Hidden Charges

Our service is free when you pass service and processing fees on to ticket buyers.

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Flexible Ticketing

Accept donations, issue offline and complimentary tickets, and bundle tickets together.

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Under Your Brand

Under our private label service, create a fully branded event management site.


Sales At The Door

Enable your event for sales at the door, and accept cash or credit card sales in real time.


Discount Codes

Create discount codes that ticket buyers can enter during checkout to get a discount on tickets.


Social Sharing

After purchasing tickets, attendees are automatically prompted to share your event.

Tracking Links

Generate unique URLs to track referral sales to your event from Facebook, email, or other sources.

Ticket Bundles

Bundle individual ticket types for multi-day events or ticket packages.

Event Analytics

Access real-time ticket sales, including revenue, service and processing fees, and more.

Excellent Support

Our team loves talking to you. Call or email anytime to discuss your event!

Ready to get started? Create your event now!